
ServiceConnect with CDK builds Strong Service Affinity

Containers are a fantastic way to package up your application code and its dependencies. I’m on the record as a huge fan and probably write more production code in containers than I do with Lambda Functions. Call me crazy, but I like frameworks like Axum and ActiveX in Rust. When I’m connecting APIs over either HTTP or gRPC, I generally reach for AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS). I enjoy working with k8s and the plethora of open source tools, but ECS just makes things so simple, highly available, and with the announcement of ServiceConnect in 2022, more connected. In this article, I’m going to explore ServiceConnect with CDK.


Open Telemetry and Lambda

Open Telemetry and Lambda are topics that I’ve spent a lot of brain cycles on over the past few weeks. Most of my work with these topics has been with Rust but I want to take a look at where my opinions are at the moment and hope to provide some insights that you can use to build your next Lambda with solid telemetry. For disclosure, I have some opinionated biases that will surface and I also still have some gaps in my exploration that I’ll highlight. Let’s get going with Open Telemetry and Lambda.


Building Serverless Applications with AWS – Observability

Building Serverless applications can feel a bit overwhelming when you are first getting started. Sure, Event-Driven Systems have been around for many years but this notion of using managed services to “assemble” solutions vs a more traditional “plugin” style architecture might throw you for a loop. Continuing in the series of Building Serverless Applications with AWS, let’s have a look at the “Debugging and Troubleshooting” aspect.

Series Topics

  1. Data Storage Choices
  2. Building the Application (Fargate/Containers vs Lambda)
  3. Handling Events
  4. Exposing the API (if there is one)
  5. Securing it all, including the API
  6. Debugging and Troubleshooting in Production

SQS Re-Drive with Golang and Step Functions

Earlier this week a new set of APIs were released for working with Dead-Letter-Queues and re-drives back to its primary queue. Messaging-based systems have been around for a long time and they are a critical piece of modern Event-Driven Architecture. As I read more about the APIs, I started thinking about how I could build up a sample that could be used for starting a hardened auto-re-drive State Machine that could put messages back on queues protected behind an API Gateway or Event Bridge Scheduler. Below is my take on how I might start thinking through building an SQS re-drive with Golang and Step Functions


Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code is an emerging practice that encourages the writing of cloud infrastructure as code instead of clicking your way to deployment. I feel like “ClickOps” is where we all started years ago when there weren’t any other options. The lessons learned from the inconsistency in human deployment were the genesis for the automation and power that comes from building your cloud stacks as code. Now, many start from IaC as the patterns and practices are well-defined. But instead of re-hashing those commentaries, I want to give you my opinions on why IaC decisions are more than about the tech. Infrastructure as Code is a shift of responsibilities that brings your teams closer together and will help establish a culture of accountability but it will come at a cost.


Tracing HTTP Requests with Go and Datadog

Small follow up on the last post regarding tracing. I’m a huge fan of Event Driven systems or EDA (Event Driven Architecture) but sometimes you do need to make that synchronous HTTP request in order to fetch more data. Perhaps you are building a “saga” or sometimes events just published what happened and to whom it happened but not specifics about the actual event. For that you need to return back out and fetch more info.

When that happens, you’ll need to use a HTTP Client for making that request. And when doing so, it often sort of turns into a black hole, especially if you have multiple calls to make and you need to distinguish them. Enter again the Datadog libraries. With a simple wrapping of the client, when you make requests WithContext you will get a nicer and prettier display of what the span is. In the case below, I usually like to set the VERB that was requested in addition to the URL. Feel free to use/show whatever makes sense to you