
Gratitude. A look back at re:Invent

Gratitude. That’s the simple yet powerful word that comes to mind when I look back on re:Invent 2023. This article is an expression of my gratitude to those who made not only re:Invent something more for me this year, but have jolted my career in a way I didn’t know was possible.

This year started with a blast to my system. My father, who was my best friend in life passed away after a long bout with cancer. I was there for his last month and spent time with him while he was with us. I can’t say I enjoyed the time, but we took the time together talking, sharing and trying in general to do whatever I could to make things easier for him. Growing up watching my father run his own Geology Consulting Practice gives me a unique perspective now as a father. His schedule allowed plenty of flexibility to attend my golf matches, soccer games and occasional theatre productions which left a lasting impression on me. Those 20 or so days of my life have reshaped my trajectory forever.


AWS re:Invent Day 4

Day 4 of AWS re:Invent 2023 has come to a close and it was just as epic as the other nights. The day itself was a little slower due to my Day 3 evening ending fairly late, but there’s still a good bit to share. If you are looking for a full recap, I’m going to do one soon to sort of close the loop on my 2023 AWS re:Invent experience.

Let’s dig into Day 4 of AWS re:Invent 2023.


AWS re:Invent Day 3

So this one is rough in the best of ways possible. It’s currently 2 AM Las Vegas time and I’ve been up since 7 AM the previous day. Back to what I said a few days ago, re:Invent is a marathon and not a sprint. At this point in the week, it feels like mile 18. I am tired but in the best of ways. The only thing I have to do is finish this race strong and to the best of my ability. Day 3 was better than day 2 and I’m excited to share with you how it went.

Let’s dig into Day 3 of AWS re:Invent 2023.


AWS re:Invent Day 1

Day 1 of re:Invent has come and gone and it was an epic start to the week. I’ve often heard it said that re:Invent is a marathon and not a sprint and that’s a very true statement. If you are reading this and are at the conference, pace yourself. And if you are at home watching virtually, do the same, but perhaps more mental pacing than physical.

Let’s dig into Day 1 of AWS re:Invent 2023.


AWS re:Invent Day 0

Here goes the beginning of a nightly blog post recapping my experience at AWS re:Invent 2023 in Las Vegas. AWS re:Invent officially kicks off on Monday 11/27/2023 but for those of us who arrived early, the week started a bit early. Let’s recap Day 0.

Series Context

For this series, I’m going to do a nightly recap of the things that I experienced at re:Invent. I plan to share my highlights from people I meet, exciting news drops or sessions I found to be fantastic.


Attending your First re:Invent

First off, this post is not affiliated with AWS or the re:Invent conference. The content below contains opinions and some tips for navigating your first re:Invent conference. I believe that if you are building on AWS and want to elevate your experience, network and opportunities with the platform, re:Invent is something you need to attend and put on your calendar year over year. Let’s get started and talk about attending your first re:Invent conference.


re:Invent 2022 re:View

AWS’ re:Invent ’22 wrapped up last week and I had the awesome opportunity to attend with a colleague. First off we had a fantastic time at all of the sessions, enjoyed the catered breakfast and lunch and then enjoyed nightly meals at all of the Vegas restaurants. I wanted to spend a bit of time in this week’s post to not only recap what we experienced but also share some thoughts that hopefully encourage more people to attend in ’23.