
Choosing Go when Building Lambdas

So you’ve decided to build your first or your 500th Lambda function with AWS. Congratulations! That in and of itself is a great decision that will set you up on a solid foundation for operational excellence, ease of maintenance, flexibility to extend and a whole host of other positives that come along with Serverless. Now, what language are you going to develop this new Lambda in? I’ve been a tremendous proponent for choosing Go when building Lambdas and I’d like to walk you through why.


CDK ASL Definition Extractor

I’ve been working a good bit lately to push testing down when using Step Functions and building some patterns with AWS State Machines Locally. In that same spirit, I’m wanting to be able to create the State Machine in my local container and that comes from the ASL. However, when using CDK and the builder libraries you don’t have an ASL file to work from. So I built this program which I’m calling CDK ASL Definition Extractor which extracts the Definitions from a CDK synth’d CloudFormation file.


Common AWS CLI commands and explanations

I tend to lose track of some of the commands or things I run often and by the time I think to script or alias something, I’ve long sense forgotten it. Then I end up running history | grep -i <some phrase> hoping that it’s in my history. The point of this article is just to document and capture some the common AWS CLI commands that I use pretty often.