
Lambda Extension with Golang

For full disclosure, I’ve been writing Lambda function code since 2017 and I completely breezed over the release of Lambda Extensions back in 2020. Here’s the release announcement. At the core of extensions, you have internal and external options. For the balance of this article, I’m going to focus on building a Lambda extension with Golang and lean into the external style approach.

Extensions and Why

Taking a quick step back, why extensions? From an architect level of thinking, extensions give me the ability to have cross-team reuse of code without being tied to a particular language or build process. For something like Node or Python, you could use a standard Layer to package your Lambda reuse. But for something like Golang, where your code is packaged at build time and not run-time, then you sort of have to look at the shared library. I wrote about that here. But what if you wanted to create some shared functionality that was usable regardless of which language you built your Lamabda in? That seems to have some serious appeal for my current projects where teams are using different stacks to build their APIs due to need and comfort.


Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code is an emerging practice that encourages the writing of cloud infrastructure as code instead of clicking your way to deployment. I feel like “ClickOps” is where we all started years ago when there weren’t any other options. The lessons learned from the inconsistency in human deployment were the genesis for the automation and power that comes from building your cloud stacks as code. Now, many start from IaC as the patterns and practices are well-defined. But instead of re-hashing those commentaries, I want to give you my opinions on why IaC decisions are more than about the tech. Infrastructure as Code is a shift of responsibilities that brings your teams closer together and will help establish a culture of accountability but it will come at a cost.


Caching with Momento and Golang

Caching. Simple. Useful. This architectural topic applies to a serverless app as well as an app with servers. Some functions never need caching, and some benefit from it right as the first user traffics some data through it. I’ve used a variety of caching tools over the years but recently dropped Momento’s serverless cache in a real-time ETL application and I was astonished at how easy it was and how well it is performing. This article is a walk-through of my experience of Caching with Momento and Golang.


Golang Private Module with CDK CodeBuild

Even experienced builders run into things from time to time that they haven’t seen before and this causes them some trouble. I’ve been working with CDK, CodePipeline, CodeBuild and Golang for several years now and haven’t needed to construct a private Golang module. That changed a few weeks ago and it threw me, as I needed to also include it in a CodePipeline with a CodeBuild step. This article is more documentation and reference for the future, as I want to share the pattern learned for building Golang private modules with CodeBuild.


Custom API Gateway Authorizer with Golang

One of the nice things about building with Serverless is that you can design things in a way that the pieces are composeable. This means that you can put logic cohesively with other like-minded logic and then keep things loosely coupled from other components so that things are easy to change without being too fragile. When building an API, you often need an Authorizer of sorts to validate the token that is being supplied. In this article, I’m going to walk through building a custom API Gateway Authorizer with Golang.


Choosing Go when Building Lambdas

So you’ve decided to build your first or your 500th Lambda function with AWS. Congratulations! That in and of itself is a great decision that will set you up on a solid foundation for operational excellence, ease of maintenance, flexibility to extend and a whole host of other positives that come along with Serverless. Now, what language are you going to develop this new Lambda in? I’ve been a tremendous proponent for choosing Go when building Lambdas and I’d like to walk you through why.


Testing Step Function workflows Locally

If you’ve been following along for a bit, you know how much of a fan of Serverless I am. And even more specifically, how much I love Step Functions. If you have the problem of needing a highly available workflow coordinator, you can’t do any better than picking it as your tool of choice. However, I am also unapologetically a fan of local development. And this is one place where I feel that Step Functions falls a little bit. So follow me along on this epic towards being able to test Step Function workflows locally.


CDK ASL Definition Extractor

I’ve been working a good bit lately to push testing down when using Step Functions and building some patterns with AWS State Machines Locally. In that same spirit, I’m wanting to be able to create the State Machine in my local container and that comes from the ASL. However, when using CDK and the builder libraries you don’t have an ASL file to work from. So I built this program which I’m calling CDK ASL Definition Extractor which extracts the Definitions from a CDK synth’d CloudFormation file.


Cross-Origin Allowlist with API Gateway

Cross-Origin Allowlist with API Gateway

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a topic that most developers don’t generally like to talk about it. It is usually a higher-level item that “is just in place” when building and shipping APIs. However, allowing * is not always the best approach. That is a touch outside of this article but I do want to walk through how to build a Allowlist of domains approach with API Gateway and Lambda.